December Leonis Minorids (DLM)
Active: December 5 — February 4; Maximum: December 19 (λ⊙ = 268°); ZHR = 5;
Radiant: α = 161°, δ = +30°; Radiant drift: see Table 6;
V∞ = 64 km/s; r = 3.0;
TFC: α = 180°, δ = +50° and α = 165°, δ = +20° before 3h local time,
α = 195°, δ = +10° and α = 200°, δ = +45° after 3h local time (β > 20° N).
Like the COM, the DLM have similarly been recently redefined. This shower too is quite weak, but is probably long-lasting, though more coverage after the Quadrantid epoch in January would be valuable. The shower is primarily a northern hemisphere target, from where its radiant can be properly observed from ∼ 23h local time onwards. Almost first quarter Moon means dark skies will prevail for much of the second half of the northern midwinter maximum night.