Northern Taurids (NTA)

Active: October 20 — December 10; Maximum: November 12 (λ⊙ = 230°); ZHR = 5;
Radiant: α = 58°, δ = +22°; Radiant drift: see Table 6;
V∞ = 29 km/s; r = 2.3;
TFC: Choose fields on the ecliptic and ∼ 10° E or W of the radiant (β > 40° S).

Some details on this branch of the Taurid streams were given with the Southern Taurids above. Other aspects are the same too, such as the large, oval radiant region to be used for shower association, the shower’s excellent visibility overnight, its dominance over the ANT during September to December, and the potential for enhanced activity from the Taurids as a whole due to the predicted "swarm" return in 2012. As previous results had suggested seemingly plateau-like maximum rates persisted for roughly ten days in early to mid November, the NTA peak may not be so sharp as its single maximum date might imply. Whatever the case, new Moon on November 13 should allow plenty of coverage.