Comae Berenicids (COM)
Active: December 12—23; Maximum: December 15 (λ⊙ = 264°); ZHR = 3;
Radiant: α = 175°, δ = +18°; Radiant drift: see Table 6;
V∞ = 65 km/s; r = 3.0;
TFC: α = 180°, δ = +50° and α = 165°, δ = +20° before 3h local time,
α = 195°, δ = +10° and α = 200°, δ = +45° after 3h local time (β > 20° N).
Years of work to resolve uncertainties have now shown this source to be weak, shorter in duration than was once thought, and with a maximum significantly earlier than previously believed. From the mid northern hemisphere, its radiant reaches a useful elevation by about 1 a.m. local time in mid December, culminating around 06h, but it is almost unobservable from the mid southern hemisphere until near dawn. December’s new Moon makes the probable peak very favourable for observing.