σ-Hydrids (HYD)
Active: December 3—15; Maximum: December 11 (λ⊙ = 260°); ZHR = 3;
Radiant: α = 127°, δ = +2°; Radiant drift: see Table 6;
V∞ = 58 km/s; r = 3.0;
TFC: α = 95°, δ = +0° and α = 160°, δ = +0° (all sites, after midnight only).
Although first detected in the 1960s by photography, σ-Hydrids are typically swift and faint, and rates are generally close to the visual-detection threshold. The radiant rises in the late evening hours, but is best viewed after local midnight from either hemisphere. This is a good year for them, with a nearly-new Moon on December 11. Recent IMO visual data (HMO p. 170) indicated the maximum might happen nearer λ⊙ ∼ 262° (December 13), while VID implied a peak closer to λ⊙ ∼ 254° (December 6), and that HYD activity might persist till December 24.